Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Anything But a Card for The Spectrum Noir Challenge.

Spectrum Noir is doing our challenge this month with "Anything But a Card".
I have made a "cone" wreath.  I hope you enjoy it.
I have put the steps/instructions on here for you in case you, also, would like to make one.
The digi I used is a Simply Betty Stamp.

It is colored with Spectrum Noir Markers only.
I used double sided paper.
I have my handy dandy hot glue gun.
You also need paper.  Cut 6x6 size (I used 21 but it varies on how big you want your wreath).
Cut 4 x 6 size too.  About the same amount.

Next you roll them like I have done below and I used my hot glue gun to seal them shut.

Then I took my cardboard and drew a 12" circle.  I used a Styrofoam circle and drew a circle using the inside circle.  Leave at least 3 to 4 inches around the circle you drew for the cones to lay on and glue them down like I show you in the pic below.  This first layer is using the 6x6 cones.

Next take your smaller cones and layer them on top as shown below.

I took another piece of cardboard and made a circle to cover the inside area of the cones and just hand drew this design on it and cut it out.

Then I covered it with paper.

Next I glued it on top of the cones to cover the inside.

I then cut two more of these each a little smaller than the one before and then cover them also with paper.

After covering these with paper.  I used pop up tape and layered them.

Next I chose a digi.  This one is from SBS.  She is Flower Child London

Next I used pop up tape and attached her to the top.

The colors I used are:  Dress:  BP7, 6, 4, 2, 1
  Skin:  FS2, 4, 9, IG1
Leaves/Wings:  DG4, DG2, CG3
Hair:  EB8, 5, 3 IG8

Here is the final project except that I have used hot glue gun again and glue some twine on the back to be able to hang it up.

I hope you have enjoyed my project and I hope you try one out yourself.  It takes a little time but is sooo much fun to do.  And, if you are wondering, YES, I did wind up with burn blisters on a couple of fingers.  :( lol

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again.


  1. Irene, simply beautiful!! Love the beautiful colors with your papers, perfect centerpiece with your beautifully colored image!!

  2. Wow Irene ... this is great! I image it would be cute done in seasonal papers for the holidays. Will have to try this. Thanks so much for sharing

    (BIF) - Cara

  3. Hi Irene! Oh my goodness, is this ever beautiful. I am going to bookmark this because now I want to make one so badly after seeing this beauty! I have tons of 6x6 papers just waiting for this! LOL I just love it and your Simply Betty stamp is adorable!

    Darcy BIF

  4. Oh this is just FANTASTIC Irene, Awesome job with the wreath and your coloring ROCKS!!

  5. Adorable, would look great on my front door.

  6. I have not tried this but I may very soon, TFS
    from BIF group

  7. Your cone wreath looks fabulous! Great way to use up 6x6 papers! BIF

  8. First and foremost you did awesome coloring your stamp! What a pretty creation, great choice of papers! An all around awesome wreath! Never tried this technique... but just might one day soon! TFS

  9. Irene, this is simply fantastic. So cute & fabulous colouring, as always. TFS
    Thanks for stopping by my blog,

  10. Thanks for sharing the "how to make this" pix! Hope your day is full of BIF!

  11. wow, that is all :-) amazing idea xox
    Kathy (BIF)

  12. Fabulous. This totally rocks. very creative and beautiful
    Blessing, Linda BIF

  13. Oh wow, Irene! Your wreath is so pretty! Looks fun to make, too!
