Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 5 of the 13 Days of Halloween with Simply Betty Stamps

Yes, we are at DAY 5 with our 13 Days of Halloween at Simply Betty Stamps.
Today we are doing  "Scarry Women".
Hope on over to get all the instructions so you can win a prize.

She is colored with Spectrum Noir Markers and the colors are listed below.

Here is what I did for it.
She is from the Zombie and Creeps line.
Marie back from Death.
Colors used are:  FS2, 6, 9; OR3, 2, 1;
 EB8, 5, 3, GB11, CT4;
LG5, 3; DR6; BG10
Be sure to go back to the 13 Days of Halloween to see what other DT members have made and to get all the correct instructions if you want to win a prize.
Good luck to you and hope to see you back here soon.

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