Saturday, August 2, 2014

Copic Marker / Spectrum Noir Color conversion chart

Corinne Jones and myself have been working on getting the colors matched up with Copic / Spectrum Noir colors. This is the chart we made and have added Copic colors next to them. 
As you can see there is not a color for every one, not all Spectrum Noir colors have a Copic color that will come close enough for us to put a match with. 
This chart is done up on X Press It paper so you know this is what the colors will look like on this paper. 
My suggestion to you if you own the Spectrum Noir markers like I do and are needing colors that are in between on the color chart I would go purchase them as Copic's and use them together as there ARE big gaps in the Spectrum Noir color system.

Please feel free to download / save this chart
We hope this helps you out with figuring out the colors of spectrum Noir Markers. 
If you have the OLD Spectrum Noir markers you can download a Spectrum Noir color chart from here that has the numbers of the old markers on it so you can see what color is what. for example LG1 is 173 in the old markers.


  1. Thank you so much for this. It really helps me!

  2. Thank You so much for doing this and sharing. So sweet of you.❤️

  3. I've been looking for something exactly like this. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Corinne Jones and myself have been working on getting the colors matched up with Copic / Spectrum Noir colors. This is the chart we made ...

  5. Corinne Jones and myself have been working on getting the colors matched up with Copic / Spectrum Noir colors. This is the chart we made ...

  6. Thank you for publishing this chart. You are AWESOME!

  7. Thank you ladies for this valuable chart.

  8. Thank you so much. This is perfect as I have both types of
