Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Art By MiRan - Treasure Times Rubber Stamps

Wow, have you seen these new Rubber Stamps
from Art By Mi Ran that are at Treasure Times??
Well, they are just AMAZING....
Here is one that I did up for you to see...
Here is a close up of my snowflakes.  They have sparkly spray of them
but it is hard to see in this picture.
 Trying to show you the sparkles and my trees.  These trees are also a die cut.
 Close up of the girl.
This below is showing you the sparkly spray that is on the card.
Isn't she just the cutest ever???
She was a blast to color and what a great/fun Christmas card
she makes....
She is colored with SN markers.
Be sure to get over there and get yours ordered.
Thanks for stopping by to see what I have for you today.
Stop again soon.
Treasured Times Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/175672269299461/


  1. Love your project, it's so cute!!!
    Thank you for making such a cute card for the release!

  2. Fab image, Love the sparkling and matching die cuts!!!
