Friday, September 7, 2012

Simply Betty MONSTER MASH Party Hop !!!!!!!!!!

Welcome..... are you here to see the Monster Mash?
Simply Betty is having our Monster Mash PartyHop today.
Thanks for coming and joining in.
Are you hungry? I fixed you up a Wonderful array of goodies..go take a peek.

The awesome digi on the front of this is one of Simply Betty's fabulous digi's that you can find at Simply Betty's site.
I sure hope you are having a great time. If you just happened by my blog and didn't start at the begining, then hop on over to the beginning and see what all there is.  The beginning starts at:  Simply Betty's Blog
You should have just came from : Celina

Found this AWESOME glass vase the other week at TJ Max and new I had to use it...

Then my twin and I made a trip out to the flower factory and OMG look what we found!
turned your stomach yet? We had a blast in that store.. teehee

chocolate cookies through the blender made Perfect dirt, gummy worms added the last touch..

can you see the light?? it has a flashing light that changes colors in the bottom that make it glow wonderfully at night...

there is a brain, heart and two hands....just thought I could help Christian keep all his body parts together...tee hee..

now the light is blue......

Next you are off to:  Kayta
I am also entering this into:  Anything But a Card, and Pixie Dust.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the hop, I know the rest of the ladies have some more creepy great stuff for you to see.


  1. omg Irene thats amazing and bloomin fantastic heheheh
    erin xx

  2. AAAAACKKKKK AMAZING! It needs to be in my foyer!

  3. Ohhhh AWESOME JOB RENE!!! Love it!

  4. that's brilliant and deeply creepy all at the same time - love it!

  5. This is soo perfect for Halloween though I feeling a bit queasy now! Fab job.

  6. Irene!!! You have a serious problem!!! lol!! Just brilliant, you do make me laugh xxx

  7. OMG That is gruesome, and very creepy, but brilliant. Such an inspired idea, love it :D

  8. EEEEWWWW Irene, I think you need help hahaha LOVE IT
    Shell xx

  9. Irene this by far has been my favorite project! Love IT! I really need to go see if I can find body parts now!

  10. Did someway say "LUNCH" lol, great job , Irene.OMgoodness you are seriously warped!!!!LOL

  11. That is one freaky vase absolutely perfect for Halloween, its awesome even if it did make my stomach a little sicky seeing the brain and hand lol :)

  12. Creepy! Love it...great job, Irene.

  13. it looks amazingly disgusting!!!! Love it....Fabi xxxx

  14. Perfect for Halloween, It's disgusting, but I do love it! Perfect for a party

  15. AWESOME!! Now that is a great halloween decoration!

  16. I love it! Need to make this for my desk at work. Maybe they would get the hint and leave me alone. LOL

  17. This is so fun! The lights are a cool touch! Great job.

  18. Eeew, love it! What a great vase, and a perfect way to use it!

  19. gross and great at the same time..gotta love cool

  20. I love this.. Love that little guy on the vase.. LOL What a fantastic Halloween decoration LOL

  21. Great halloween decoration! Love the idea of decorating the outside of a clear vase and then filling it will all the "goodies". Perfect image choice too!

  22. ewww! yet FAB! Love what you have done! xx

  23. Creepylicious! Thanks for joining the Pixies at Pixie Dust Studio!
